Teaching Interests

Education in the broad science discipline trains students towards becoming active learners and critical thinkers in addition to mastering solid fundamental knowledge. I use "questioning" and "hands-on" approaches, which I have developed from my experience as a learner, instructor, and researcher. Over the past years, I was able to implement those strategies into the courses and labs that I taught and guest-lectured.

Teach at Iowa

I co-lectured the following course:

Satellite Image Processing & Remote Sensing of Atmosphere

Semester: 2017 Spring
Level: graduate

I was invited to the following courses as a guest lecturer:

Spatial Big Data: Analytics and Computing

Semester: 2018 Spring
Level: graduate

Teach at Nebraska

I served graduate teaching assistant and instructor for the following courses:

Atmospheric Thermodynamics

Semester: 2012 Spring
Level: undergraduate

Environment, Energy, and Climate

Semester: 2013 Fall
Level: undergraduate

I was invited to the following courses as a guest lecturer:

Advanced Satellite Remote Sensing

Semester: 2012 Fall, 2015 Fall
Level: graduate

Physical Meteorology

Semester:2015 Fall
Level: undergraduate & graduate

I initiated and led a discussion series:

Inverse Modeling & Optimization Discussion Series

Semester: 2014 Spring and Fall
Level: graduate